8 Worst Vegan Foods

vegan foods1Tynan writes about the eight worst foods that he has discovered about vegetarian meals. The veggie element is unusually covered with myths and illusions that cause the whole problem of obesity.

Therefore, Tynan writes about eight foods that should be avoided:

1. The fats and carbohydrates offered by baked potatoes, dumped with bacon, cream and other sauces.

2. Diet Soda is known to cause cancer, because of the presence of chemicals and sugar.

3. Though author writes about the dark side of rice, it shows that he is in some kind of illusion about the healthy carbs present in rice.

4. Crackers and pretzels contain refined flour, which again is not good for your health.

5. Fresh juice is better than processed juice as most of the nutrients are washed out as juice is strained and smothered with chemicals.

6. Frozen yogurt is criticized for sugar added, but the author forgets that not all purchase frozen yogurt, most of them consume homemade yogurt without sugar.

7. Salad is made unhealthy with loads of cream, cheese and fatty dressing.

8. Energy bars are made to fool most of the people, but Tynan lists out the names of Larabar, Organic Food Bar, and Organic Fiber bar to stick to.

Via: Better Than Your Boyfriend

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