Your 20s bridge the gap between adolescent thinking and adulthood. For most people, it’s a time of significant change physically, mentally and emotionally. In some cases, during this time, you meet someone special, fall in love and start a family. While every person’s journey is unique, there are some universal elements. For instance, there are key items that can help make every 20-something’s transition through life a bit smoother.
Keep reading to discover nine things you should buy in your 20s.
1. Professional Clothes
Most people begin entry-level career positions in their early to mid-20s. You’ll need professional clothes to interview and look the part. Even if you plan to work for yourself as an entrepreneur, you’ll still need to look professional when meeting with clients and potential investors.
Invest in quality clothes that have a timeless design. Create a versatile capsule wardrobe and can transition with your tastes as you age. Skip the trendy clothes that you’ll find yourself donating next year.
2. A Coffee Maker
While walking into the office with Starbucks each morning may make you feel like you’ve transitioned to adulthood, you’re throwing away your hard-earned cash. Research what coffee maker will suit your needs and click the purchase button. When you buy coffee every day, you are spending hundreds, if not thousands, each year. Making coffee — or tea — at home is a fraction of the cost and a lot faster than waiting on a barista.
3. Insurance
Most people lose their parent’s health insurance during their 20s. For some, they’ll automatically qualify through work, but what about everyone else? Take a hard look at your life and subsequent responsibilities. Signing up for insurances can save you and your family thousands of dollars in the long run.
While you may feel invincible right now, accidents happen, and emergencies occur. Getting coverage while you’re young and healthy typically means lower rates, especially for life insurance. If you’re married or have children, insurance is vital. Debts you accumulate can impact your entire family and cause significant financial struggles.
Insurances worth considering include:
- Health
- Auto
- Life
- Home or Renters
- Identity Theft
- Pet
4. Plane Tickets
Traveling while you’re young and have limited responsibilities is one of the best things you can do as an adult. As you progress in your career and build a life for yourself, you may find you have less flexibility in your schedule. Take the time now to go off and experience the world — the memories you make will last a lifetime.
Do you have a particular destination you’ve always wished to visit? It’s important to reward yourself for your hard work and accomplishments. While saving money is wise, there are benefits to spending some during your 20s. That way, you’ll be able to embrace your 30s knowing you’ve experienced a bit of the world and chased your dreams.
5. A Quality Mattress
If you plan to hustle during your 20s, then you’ll need to be well-rested. Invest early in a quality mattress so that you can sleep well for years to come. On average, experts recommend replacing your mattress every six to eight years to ensure optimal sleep.
A new mattress can reduce aches and pains, improve sleep quality and reduce allergens in your home. This is a real investment in your quality of life, and you’ll be grateful for it during the years to come. If you have kids, consider the state of their mattresses too.
6. Self-Improvement
Empower yourself to be better by investing in self-improvement materials. These could range from buying informative books to going back to school. Now’s the time to focus on yourself, so make the most of the opportunities presented to you. Create goals to ensure you are building a prosperous future for yourself.
Exercising is also a form of self-investment because you’re prioritizing healthy living. Regular physical activity will improve your brain health, strengthen your bones and muscles and reduce your risk of disease.
7. Cleaning Supplies
You’ve moved out of your parent’s house and suddenly realized you don’t own a vacuum or a mop. In fact, you may not even have a toilet brush! Part of being an adult means cleaning up after yourself, so it’s time to buy the necessary supplies. Spend the extra money now, as a good vacuum cleaner can easily last close to a decade or longer.
8. Investments
While you’ll need to invest in your health, it’s also essential to think about monetary investments. You’re still young, but compound interest means the money you save now will have a greater impact than the money you save later. As a result of wisely investing, you may be able to retire early.
However, before you begin opening accounts, evaluate when you’ll need to access your money. High-yield programs often have requirements regarding minimum balances and term length, so always do your research.
9. An External Hard Drive
By now, you’ve likely taken thousands of photos and written countless essays. You’ve probably been saving your important documents on your computer, but what happens if it breaks? The most responsible thing you can do is to buy an external hard drive.
You’ll save yourself tears and misery knowing your memories are safe and backed up should your phone or other electronics break.
Get Saving
Now that you know nine things you should buy in your 20s, it’s time to start saving! Many of these items are expensive, so it will take time and determination to save up. Begin by prioritizing what you need most. It’s OK if you can’t buy each item on the list today, but you should make it your goal to check off these items before you reach 30. They really will simplify your life and make things easier.
Article Submitted By Community Writer