A beautiful city for your eyes and tongue – savour it

city of cookies
Till now, we have witness many chefs, displaying their culinary skill at many exhibitions and fair and many world records being created. We have seen cakes of the shape of tower of Pisa, a white house made of sugar, and what not. This time it’s a complete city make with Christmas cookies.

The sweet cookies city that resembles the city of Shenyang has been made with 25,000 and more than 1,000 kilograms of cookies. With the tallest building being 2.5 meters high, the whole miniature city has been captured in a 5×5 meter area. Even if it a city you cannot help your mouth watering with the sweet and yummy city at the first glance.

Not to forget that the creator and architect cum chef of this yummy city has applied for a Guinness World Record. Whether it gets a place in the book of records isn’t known yet, but it definitely is the talk of the town now. Now, we have a aesthetically beautiful city that we can savour also.
Source: Spluch

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