A Complete Travel Guide to Lahore, Pakistan

Travel Guide to Lahore, Pakistan

Lahore is the capital of Pakistan’s Punjab province, the second-largest city in Pakistan after Karachi, and the 26th largest city in the world. Lahore is home to the publishing industry, provides literary scenes for plays and films, is an educational center, the center of the film industry, and the most important cultural center of the Punjab region. Lahore is also a UNESCO World Heritage site, such as Fort Lahore and the Shalimar Gardens. Lahore is one of the wealthiest cities contributing to the GDP of 84 billion dollars by 2019. Alternate names for this city are City of Gardens, the heart of Pakistan, and Paris in the east. The graphic location is located 60 km west of Amritsar, India.

Geography of Lahore

Ravi RiverLahore is located on 404 square kilometers of land. The city is bordered north and west by Sheikhupura district, to the east by Wagah, and to the south by the Kasur district. It is located in northeast Pakistan. On the north side, the Ravi River flows past the city of Lahore. 

The climate of Lahore City

Lahore experiences five seasons a year with a semi-arid climate. The seasons include Winter between 30th November and 15th February with minimal rainfall. Spring between 16th February and 15th April. Summer between 15th April and June. Characteristic are dust storms and heat periods. The rainy monsoon occurs from July to 16th September and the dry autumn between 16th September and 14th November. June is the hottest month, with temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. July is the wettest month, characterized by thunderstorms. January is the coldest month, with an average temperature of 19.8 degrees Celsius followed by fog. Spring is the best time to travel to Lahore. If you are in Dubai and plan to travel to Lahore, book Dxb to Lahore flights during Spring and at any other time you feel like visiting Lahore. 


Culture of Lahore

·        Population growth

Lahore has a population of 13,095,166 in 2021. 52.4% of the population is male, 47.6% female, and 0.01% transgender. 40% of the population is under 15 years of age.

·        Languages

Punjabi is Lahore’s primary language, spoken by 87% of the population. Urdu and English are officially used in media classes, theatres, films, and newspapers.

·        Religion

Islam is a dominant religion with 95.2% believers, 2.9% Christians, 1.2% Hindus, and 0.6% Sikhs. Other religions in the city are Ahmadi, Bahai, Parsis, and longtime Zolostrians.

·        Festivals

Lahore City has several celebrated festivals throughout the year, the most common being Basant and MelaChiraghan. Other festivals include national horse and cattle shows, world art, and international festivals.

·        Food

There are various dishes to choose from in Lahore. Some foods include awe-inspiring samosas, howdy, warisnihari, wingitt, wasabi, Anisa sultan, bamboo union, white biryani, churro, dragon, bowl, gustoso doughnuts, jade cafe, and hunter’s lodge. 


Lahore City is an industrial hub that employs finance, banking, real estate, community, culture, and social services. Lahore is also a publishing center and is the largest software and hardware manufacturing center. Lahore contributes 11.5% to the national economy and 19% to Punjab’s GDP. The city’s GDP is expected to reach $102 billion by 2025. 

Currency and exchange rates

Pakistani RupeeThe official currency in Lahore is the Pakistani Rupee. Holders of foreign currency should exchange it in Western Union, the airport, or any Western Union branch. ATMs are easy to find in any district or outside banks and accept Master- and Visa cards. Banks also accept UnionPay.

Travel budget

If you plan to travel to Lahore, your budget will depend on whether you want to save or looking for comfort or luxury. Hotels charge between $10 and $200, depending on your budget. Food costs range from $5, while Uber charges between $8 and $12. Attraction tickets cost $3 and Sim cards 500 PKR.

Security in Lahore

Security in LahoreLahore is generally safe, although there is petty crime in some parts of the city. Crime usually takes place at markets, airports, bus stands, train stations, and shopping centers. Targets are gold, jewelry, and motorcycles. 


Lahore is easily accessible by various means of transportation: subway buses, subways, taxis, rickshaws, mini buses, and flights land at Alabama Iqbal International Airport, which is about 20 to 30 minutes away from the city.

Lahore is a fascinating city that every tourist should visit. It is full of life, fun, and attraction sites. Lahore is a whole world.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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