America’s Got Talent sweated to get Mariah Carey on stage

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America’s Got Talent, but that’s not enough to keep up with Mariah Carey’s diva perfection. Be it some grand Mariah Carey concert or a three-minute guest appearance, she wants everything picture perfect.

Mariah’s brief appearance at the reality show had the production crew working day and night to make sure that there’s not even a single minute dull moment.

???She???s such a perfectionist. We were all in the studio until nearly midnight as she planned her three-minute appearance, right down to the detail of the lighting, sound and camera angles. And work with producers in the editing suite apparently continued to 6am until she was absolutely happy. Mariah has the reputation of a diva. But like most divas ??? from Piaf to Whitney Houston to Madonna ??? that???s primarily because she???ll do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to get things as good as they can be.???

Now that’s what we call a superstar diva, she deserves every bit of perfection.

Image: Radio-dukagjini

Via: Rpulse

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