Amy Winehouse killing her parents

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Really, how hard it must be for those parents who see their children dying every day being trapped in substance abuse. It’s even harder for the parents of Amy Winehouse – Mitch and Janis – for their celebrity daughter’s problems are rather more aggravated with constant public scrutiny that she’s subjected to.

Despite trying like hell, they cannot shield their strayed daughter from being exposed in media.

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Mitch and Janis tell how painful it has been for them to see their 25-year-old daughter struggling with the addiction, but are helpless. However, even Amy is helpless as it???s not easy to get out of any addiction.

“I tried it all ??? I said, ???Amy you???ve got to do this, you???ve got to go to this doctor, you???ve got to do this, you???ve got to do that, you???re killing me, you???re killing your mum.??? None of it worked???, Amy’s father Mitch told in an interview with ITV News.

I really feel equally bad for them as I do for Amy, as an awesome singer like her deserves better.

Via: The Bosh, Hollyscoop

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