Angelina Jolie needs some ‘salt’

I’m not talking about her upcoming movie nor am I interested in doing a thesis on her professional life. It’s her personal life that has become totally saltless and tasteless.

Britain’s Now magazine has quoted a source saying that Jolie is slowly breaking down and heading towards self-destruction.

Angie???s been crying in her trailer most days and is barely eating. She keeps forgetting her lines and she???s been shaking and staring into space. In fact, it???s been so bad that some crew members have suspected she???s using drugs, although that???s out of the question.

But the ones who know her realize it could be something much, much worse if she???s self-harming. When she???s at home she just about holds it together, but she stays up listening to the same song over and over and rarely sleeps.

Now, this sure is a disturbing news for Jolie’s fans. Honestly speaking, even I’m disturbed to an extent by this sad news, but the intensity is not much because my sympathy always gets divided into two equal parts whenever I hear some bad news about Jolie. Obviously, how can I forget Jennifer Aniston’s pain and how can I forgive Jolie for what she did to her?!

Damn it, you never gave a shit about emotional pain and such things when you snatched Brad from her and destroyed Aniston. And now when you hear rumors of Brad going back to her, you are trying to prove yourself pure by cutting yourself!

I know these rumors are not true, but then, even you are a fake person! Got it?

Source: Celebslam

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