Apricots: Nature’s anti aging formula!

It is easy to pop vitamin-pills to get the nutrients we need while ignoring the incredible package nature provides us in the form of fruits. Try to include fruits in your everyday diet as they are a wonderful source of nutrients. It is nature’s way of providing you a great defense for fighting diseases.

Today, let’s check out what Apricots have in store for us.

These lovely, yummy orange colored Apricots are rich with vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, fiber, potassium and antioxidants; Apricots also make it to the top ten beta-carotene sources.

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Fights cancer: Dried apricots are an excellent source of lycopene, the cartenoid that fights prostrate and breast cancer. The beta-carotene in the apricots reduces the risk of stomach and intestinal cancers. Health experts suggest having about 30 dried apricots a day should help you get these benefits.

Good for heart:
Since apricots are rich in potassium, it helps control the blood pressure and thereby preventing heart diseases. The fiber content helps reduce cholesterol and the chances of clogging your arteries.

Great for vision: In a data reported in the Archives of Opthamology, it was found that three or more servings of this fruit actually reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary causeof vision loss in older adults. This means apricots are good for your eyes.

Secret to long life:
If you enjoy life and are looking to hit the century mark, then apricots must be a part of a regular diet. Since they fight all age -related diseases like memory loss, high blood pressure, heart diseases, ARMD, cancer and cholesterol, and Alzheimer’s disease, you are naturally healthy and are sure to celebrate your 100th birthday.

Eat them fresh or dried; toss them in your salad or your deserts. Eat them anyway and reap in the benefits!


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