Are health foods really healthy?

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Stop! Before you start eating the so-called ‘healthy food’, which is suggested by your dietitian, have a look to the real world where the actual facts regarding your health foods has been revealed.

According to a recent report, it was found that many foods labeled as fat-free, cholesterol-free or all-natural are not exactly healthy the way we think they are and in some cases worse than typical processed foods.

Do you know that in some cereals the content of sugar is more than a bowlful of Cocoa Puffs.

Well to know more just read on.

1. Yogurt

It is a well known fact that calcium is important to build bone and prevent osteoporosis. And the best source of calcium is from milk products, such as yogurt. Recent research shows that some healthy bacteria in yogurts, called probiotics, might even boost immunity and lower colon cancer risk.

Skip the most fruited varieties which is believed to have more than eight teaspoons of added sugar, more sugar then you’ll find in most candy bars. Also stay away from those yogurt coatings on pretzels and raisins because it’s more candy than yogurt, which explains why an ounce of yogurt-coated raisins has more than 40% more calories than plain raisins.

2. Low-calori desserts

These desserts are no better than their full-carbohydrates counterparts. Studies found that, Oreo reduced fat from its cookies but still have 150 calories for three, just 10 calories less than the full-fat originals.

Many of these items replace sugar with a sugar alcohol such as maltitol or maltodextrin which has fewer calories than sugar but isn’t calorie-free. And watch out as these alcohols can have a laxative effect.

3. Enhanced waters

People argument that what is the need of drinking ordinary water when you can drink ‘nutrient-enhanced water’? Well, they may give a lot of reasons and might try to influence you as well. However, what they do not know is that these ‘enhanced’ waters are just sugar water with a touch of nutrients. There is no evidence that the ingredients prevent colds, boost health and energy or reduce disease risk.

A Glaceau Vitamin Water company says it supplies some of the daily required nutrients. But you have to drink the entire bottle, which according to the label would be 2.5 servings and 125 calories, almost the same amount of calories as you would get in a cola. In reality, you’re getting only 7 out of more than 40 nutrients you actually need.

4. Whole grain bread

The dark brown wrappers of multi-grain, whole wheat, oat or rye bread all look so wholesome and healthy. Well take a look at the ingredient’s list. If you see ‘wheat flour’ or ‘enriched flour’ as the first or second ingredient then that means you have mostly refined white bread with some whole grains added. Just to get the brown color.

5. Salads

A plate of salad are often the answer for every kind of questions ranging from waistlines to health. However, in order to make salads delicious many fatty ingredients such as cheese-spread are added under the guise of ‘salad fixings’. It is a well known fact that salad dressing is the number one source of fat in women as they are always under confusion over ‘what is really healthy salad’ and ‘what is a fat-laden disaster’, usually women end up eating more calories.

Points to remember
So in order to stay healthy and to enjoy life, please keep this in mind that you choose plain, nonfat or low-fat yogurt, then sweeten it yourself with all-fruit jam or fresh fruit. It would not contain as much sugar as was added for you in the commercial fruited yogurts.

Remember there is nothing called low-calori dessert. Even the refined-grain desserts are junk foods with or without sugar. So, finish off a meal with fruit, such as sliced mangos or fruit parfaits topped with a dollop of fat-free whipped topping. Moreover you need more than 8 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday, so take advantage of dessert as an opportunity to meet one or more of those servings.

Just because enhanced water comes in bottled doesn’t mean it is safe. One study that compared 57 bottled waters with sample of tap water found that one in four of the bottled waters had unacceptable levels of bacteria, almost 2,000 times higher than the tap water samples. So, skip the middle-man and get your eight glasses a day from your own faucet or filter it yourself at home.

Next time you go to the market then carefully choose breads that say ‘100% whole wheat‘ or ‘100% whole grain’ on the front label.

Salads are the best, so start with the leafy greens and other plain vegetables such as grated carrots, mushrooms, raw broccoli flowerets, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, radicchio lettuce, purple cabbage, cucumber and sweet red pepper. Skip anything mixed with oil, mayonnaise, cheese or whipped cream. This also includes potato or pasta salads, Mexican meat or cheese sauces, tuna mixed with mayonnaise, egg salad, macaroni and cheese, tartar sauce and Waldorf salad.

So, keep above stated points im mind. Eat healthy and stay fit.

Source: MSNBC

Image source: SeasonBySeason

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