‘Atomic Fuel’ energy drink from Iran creates controversy

atomic fuel

A recent energy drink, Atomic Fuel, manufactured by Iran claims to be the most powerful drink in the world. As per reports the making and marketing of Atomic Fuel involves dark secrets like the secret recipe of the drink illegally purchased from the Russians and then the underground test marketing of the same.

The drink is made powerful with vitamins, minerals, free from sugar and preservatives and has notoriously driven the young crowd of Iran to drink this energetic but ironically dangerous drink. As per the teen who has drunk this stuff:

I could run five miles or lift a very large tree or just do my part to destroy the Great Satan. Atomic Fuel is the- how do you say? Oh, yes. It is the bomb!

The reports say that this drink can cause radiation poisoning and throat cancer. Undoubtedly, this drink is another symbol of Iran to make the US to feel the presence of terrorism and it has been successful in doing so.

The suspicious publicity and production has made President Bush to stop the production of the drink, failing which the Bush Government will have the privilege to exercise all authority in going for military action. In response to this Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has said that:

I think it all comes down to clever marketing. We’re positioning Atomic Fuel as an edgy, rebellious beverage, so the current controversy is a blessing. The West can complain and rattle their sabers all they want. It’s only going to boost sales in the coveted 18-24 demo. So, by all means, keep at it.

Via: Ridiculopathy Thanks!

[Please Note: This is a satire only. Similarities with the material presented here and actual news is purely accidental. Take it seriously at your own risk. As Iran nuclear issue is hot in the news these days, it was too good to ignore!]

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