Australia’s Traditional Christmas Pudding

Oceania: Australia

christmas puddingTraditional Christmas pudding in Australia is a variation of the English Plum Pudding and there is a belief attached to it. The belief is putting a sixpence coin into the pudding before baking it, and the person who gets the piece of pudding with the coin in it will get all the good luck in the following year. Though an English variation, Australia’s traditional Christmas pudding popularized the use of sauces that are made of creamed unsalted butter, sugar and alcohol, sprig of holly for everlasting life and the burning brandy.

The traditional Christmas pudding is made in the following way:


1. Whip 1 lb Butter, 1 lb Brown Sugar, 9 eggs until soft peaks are formed.
2. Add half cup of brandy and beat well and blend in 1 lb Currants, 1/2 lb Raisins, 1 lb – Sultanas, 1/2 lb Citron Peel and 1/4 lb blanched Almonds.
3. Blend in 1/2 lb Breadcrumbs, 1/2 lb Plain Flour, 1 pinch Salt, 1/2 tsp Baking Soda and 1/2 tsp Mixed Spice.
4. You need to bake this pudding in a pudding tin or steam it for six hours.

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