Desh Sharma

Victoria Beckham travels 550 miles to get her hair done!

Victoria Beckham had to rush back home when she saw her pictures in which it appeared that she had developed a bald patch. The photographs were taken last week and Victoria was literally furious after looking at them. She went to Germany to watch hubby.

First natural and organic cookie with rich rum content

Delaware’s Bella Cookies claims to be the first claims to be the first all natural and organic cookie company to have rolled a new rum-raisin cookie called as ‘Rumazin’, scheduled for a debut on 7th, July 2006. These cookies are made in partnership with..

Bon Jovi thrashes Denise Richard’s surprise

Richie Sambora and Denise Richard’s affair is no more a secret, to make it more public, Denise was planning a surprise for Richie during Bon Jovi’s gig on July 10 in Hollywood, Florida. She told Bon Jovi frontman Jon Bon Jovi that she wants to…

America’s Most favorite hot dog

CSI-Chicago-Style Hot Dog Edition — Condiment Survey Investigation reveals what the Americans like most on their hot dogs. To the answer, they want their hot dogs American to the core in the Chicago-style with the mandatory presence of the Vienna Beef…

Sneak peek at Marcia Cross’s wedding

So lots of news from the Desperate Housewives camp today. Anyways, Marcia Cross married her fiancee wealth manager Tom Mahoney last weekend. Here are the pictures from their wedding.

Marcia looks so beautiful, everything looks so perfect….

Don’t you think Teri looks better with clothes on?

Undoubtly Teri Hatcher, ‘Susane’ of Desperate Housewives is admired by loads of people and she looks good on the show, but please I don’t want any of my reader to live in a myth that she has sexy body as well. Her bikini pictures are awful. Look…

Advantages and disadvantages of needling meat

For those consumers, who do not know what goes behind tenderizing the oft-advertised beef top loin steaks must get ‘jaccarded’. Jaccarded or needling meat is a technology developed by Jaccard in New York to tenderize rough cuts of meat.


Brangelina baby shower pictures seized

FBI and Massachusetts authorities have seized baby showers pictures held by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie after raiding a Westfield, Mass. home Tuesday night. These pictures were taken by Angelina Jolie’s brother James Haven, in Namibia. After coming…

Kate Moss is stupid!

While talking about her cocaine scandal catwalk queen Kate Moss admitted that, she has been stupid and childish. Kate had to go to a rehab centre after shocking pictures of her snorting drugs were published in a tabloid last year, her career came to a..

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