Bak Kut Teh from Malaysia

bak 4710
Malaysia is known for some really lip smacking cuisine. Bak Kut The is one such popular cuisine of Malaysia.

Ingredients Required:

You will require 1/2 lb of cuttlefish, 10 puffs of tofu, 1/2 can of button mushroom and a few lettuce leaves.

Method of Preparation:

Take cuttlefish in a bowl and pour cold water with baking soda. Soak it for 30 minutes.

Now drain the water and slit the body with horizontal and vertical cuts. While cooking, they will curl up.

Now take a claypot and pour broth of Bak Kut The. Start heating the claypot and boil the broth.

In the broth add mushrooms, tofu puffs and cuttle fish. Boil them for about five minutes.

Toss it in the lettuce leaves. Serve it hot!


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