Britney Spears to cameo in Pussycat Dolls music video

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No matter if a number of things make Britney unpopular or bring her into limelight for wrong reasons, she still manages to be the singing diva and a sensation whenever it comes to the big screen. Yes, apart from her numerous tracks and mind-blowing dance sequences, Britney, yet another time, is ready to steal the show. This time Spears is all set to face the camera, though not for her new video, but for a small yet special part in the currently filming Pussycat Dolls music video, ???When I Grow Up???. Not donning her charismatic role of singing and dancing, she would appear driving and waving. According to sources, the scene was shot on Wednesday, with Britney looking absolutely hot and stunning. I just cannot wait to see Britney in this cameo avatar.

Via: Theblemish

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