Californian chards get the ‘high’ when oaked right…

chardonnay111Oak-wine pairing for fermentation is reported to be as fragile as food-wine pairing while cooking. In connection with Chardonnay an article points out that the detailed flavors of the pressed green grape comes out only when it is fermented to the right level in an oak barrel, to get the right crispiness in the wine.

It is reported that new oak barrels impart more sweetness to wine than the old ones, if they are over oxidized they may be robbed of acidity and under-oxidized ones hide the mild flavors of Chardonnay. New oak barrels give the Chardonnay its distinct smoked flavor, creaminess, heat and a hint of vanilla.

Oak barrels oxidize the wines slowly in comparison to steel barrels giving the chardonnay typical mild buttery perfection. The whole point is that Californian chardonnay can be taken seriously if they are sensibly aged in the oak barrels.

Read More to know the Californian chards that are in no way lesser in flavor and body in comparison to the Burgundian ones.

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