Compact foods better than dismal plane fare

plane foods

While foods on flights can be pathetic, carrying home cooked food on a flight can be even more bothering. What is commonly suggested is carrying tucks, appetizers and chunks or veggies that do not perish during the flight. Washington Post elaborates on the variety of condensed foods that can be carried in planes.

The whole purpose is to avoid foods high in calories and salt and carry healthy bites, which will serve convenience while eating foods. Sandwiches, tortilla wraps, cookies, muffins, chunky salad, cured meat strips, cereal-mix, barbecued foods and fruit compote.

The consumers can go for convenient foods like durable fillings, nuts, cheese, tofu, granola, dried bread and other light items that will not require much energy for digestion and will keep you hydrated. What is required on the flight is not the experience of a Michelin quality food but plain and light fare just to keep you away from a jet lag.

Via: Washington Post

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