Can America Handle Having A Good-Looking President In The White House?

mount rushmore 65
My answer is ……………………..

Hell to the no! (Thanks Whitney Houston for the kick-ass catch phrase! You totally rock when your stoned out of your mind!)

Look at the proof!

George W. Bush (Ugly)
Richard Nixon (Ugly)
Rutherford Hayes (Ugly)

Don’t worry Democrats, i’m not gonna’ leave you guys out!

James Polk (Ugly)
Grover Cleveland (Ugly)
Lyndon Johnson (Ugly)

Look at it!
The writing is on the wall!
The proof is in black and white! Well, mostly white because that’s the only color all 43 of our presidents have been up to now but that could change this year.


P.S. I’m not prejudiced!

Anyhoo, i’ve been doing some faux research and below are a few reasons why America can’t handle having a good-looking president in the White House.

– Ugly people supposedly work harder than good-looking people because they can’t skate by on their looks. So ugly presidents in the White House it is!

– Some Americans are shallow. Some only want to see good-looking people on the runway, in popular magazines and in motion pictures but not in the White House. So ugly presidents in the White House it is!

– Good-looking people are considered frivolous meaning they will spend all money allocated to weaponry on botox treatments. So ugly presidents in the White House it is!

– Good-looking people are generally considered stupid basically because they are good-looking. Good reason, huh! So ugly presidents in the White House it is!

Whatever the hell the reason, personal or rational, it seems that Americans will probably never be able to handle a good-looking president in the White House with the exception of John F. Kennedy of course.

Sorry, John Edwards!

For more info on John F. Kennedy please click on “Hottie President!”

To read more humorous political new stories please click on The Onion.

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