Catfish comfort: Kim rolls out gourmet comfort foods from catfish trimmings


Manufacturing comfort foods is tougher than preparing them at home. Jin Kim has recently launched a wide range of ready-to-eat, microwaveable catfish products from mis-cut fillets and nuggets, low-value byproducts of the catfish fillet processing industry, without tampering with their taste, texture and quality. The bottom-line is to manufacture value-added products, by the utilization of all the parts of the fish and add profits to the cat-fish processing industry.

The new products are catfish wonton turnovers, pasta stuffed with marinated and grilled nuggets, seasoned with Italian-style and Oriental spices and catfish trimmings compressed into a patty with hamburger press. These comfort foods are no doubt delicious, but are difficult to sell as the nuggets, which are meat trimmings from the abdominal flap of the fillets, appear to be meatless and hence less appealing to the consumers.

To boost the taste and look of the products, Kim has bathed them in water and other seasonings and flavors and has also reduced the fat content. The taste studies say that Kim’s creations are neither fatty nor do they smell fishy. Kim has enhanced the look of the seafood by wrapping the nuggets in pasta and spinach.


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