The entire country knows that CETP Unnao which is a world bank assisted project launched with the help of state and central government being managed by SPV of Industries and thereafter more sophisticated project of UPSIDC leather Technology Park Banthar where CETP has shown to the nation and the leather world that how a CETP be operated and maintained and how efficiently issue of primary ETP and CRU of member industries connected to a CETP can be monitored by a CETP company itself which has been even admired by Hon’ble Chief Secretary of U.P. and even High Court of Allahabad.
But still problem of pollution being well managed by the leather industries is not getting appreciation of the general public. The sole reason behind this is no proper drainage system and lack of STP in the district. Apart from effluent treatment to a level leather Industry has also taken care of its solid waste disposal without the support of Municipal Corporation and formed a PPP like company and launched a Common Hazardous Solid Waste Disposal Facility with the help of IIUS scheme of Government of India where industry is committed to invest about 40% of the total cost of the project which is successfully under operation.
In the light of above background following efforts are needed by the state government that if happen at unnao will certainly make the district free from public complaints and will create the effectiveness of millions of liters of treated effluents from industries which is being thrown finally to dirty sewage drains due to absence of STPs in the district:
There are mainly four industrial areas at Unnao but main areas where leather industries which are known for waste water pollution are having their CETPs/ETPs and other air polluting industries claiming to have their treatment plants exist are Site-II Ind. Area of UPSIDC, Magarwara side area and well planned and environmentally cleared project of Leather technology Park Banthar.
Now Area-wise problems are being summarized:
A- Site-II, Industrial Area of UPSIDC also called leather complex and Dahi Chauki area:
Entire flow into Nala parallel to National Highway near Dahi Chocki does not relate to leather industries as for leather industries CETP has its own underground RCC closed pipeline.The effluent flowing in Nala thus needs treatment from its sources.
1- Pucca Construction of Loni Drain for at least 10 Km stretch and setting up of a STP at its down stream which will also take treated industrial effluent from the area like other cities as in Cities Banglore and countries like Sweden etc. This dilutes the pollution to a very low level and makes it very fit for even irrigation and for river discharge. Responsibility Jal Nigam or Municipal Corporation like other cities.
2- Renovation of complete service drainage system in Ind. Area. Responsibility UPSIDC Kanpur
3- development of a green forestry and buffering system in the periphery of Ind Area par along the National Highway using also drip irrigation system to filter the emissions and blow oxygen rich air to travelers on the National Highway which is a VVIP road too and suffering from public allegation that Odour comes with entry to Unnao.
4-Relocation of foul odour emitting tiny units making glue/protein/so called organic manure from waste of tanneries as was previously suggested by GM,DIC/IIA to the administration and at the office of Commissioner & Director of Industries should be given a thought with some attractive help package to shift them to any interior location away from National Highway. If not then this problem could also be controlled if such foul and pungent odour/air polluting units are lawfully forced to make interlocking process within their premises and install ESPs and water/chemical scrubbers to trap odour within interlocking glass houses of such processes surrounded with dense forestry along with drip irrigation facility all along the boundary wall within their units.
5- A proposed CETP for about 10 industries of Murtaza Nagar site-II area which was consented by IDC, Government of U.P through Udyog Bandhu and forwarded to DoIPP,GOI Ministry of Commerce & Industry to be considered under IIUS be granted quickly to help this small cluster of about 11 leather & allied industries where enterprenures have already mutually agreed and arranged their private industrial land for setting up this proposed CETP.
B- Magarwara side Industries:
1- Though Leather Industries there are having their adequate treatment plants but there are many more pollution generating industries other than leather sector which are hidden and be surveyd closely and be brough before the public and be asked to put up a CETP for them or a big CETP may be proposed even inviting leather industries also.
2- City Jail Drain should be made Pucca with proper cross section and with good gradient upto River Ganga as currently it is in no shape after certain kms after Magarwara and is Kuccha and taking poding shape with no flow and carrying huge amount of untreated domestic sewage of Unnao Public which eventually hides the efforts of industrial treated effluents also and manny may take undue advantage of this mess too.
3-A good STP at the down stream of Banthar along the City Jail Drain will be only a solution for washing stigma upon the efforts of industries and will value add the treated effluents for even irrigation.
C- UPSIDC Leather Technology Park Banthar:
Banthar as such is an ideal Leather Technology Park of UPSIDC equipped with a scientifically developed solid waste disposal facility as per the guidelines of CPCB with double liner and leach-ate collection and treatment system facilitating all the four industrial clusters of Unnao district and a CETP facility for Banthar based industries but incorporation of point no 2 and point no 3 of STP as mentioned above for Magarwara cluster for developing City Jail Drain & a STP will glow-sign the efforts of industries . Master drain of UPSIDC for Banthar Park should be maintained which is getting collapsed at certain stretches of its length of about 1.7 km. UPSIDC must appreciate our efforts as about a stretch of 50 meters of this master drain at Banthar has been taken care by CETP Company itself and being maintained like a fountain to high light efforts of CETP’s treated effluent quality.
Polishing recommendation for all the industrial areas of Unnao which could also be a guideline for jajmau and other industrial states in U.P: The need of time says we must do one step beyond the demand of public and obviously the efforts to save underground water water which is the only safer source for drinking water to public. Holy River Ganga has been a National River and a burning issue now a days and efforts for this are even being eye-sighted by every individual , scientists and NGOs/Media across the world due to its religious belief and spiritual authenticity. This problem of industrial and huge domestic discharge into this river and other similar rivers could be curtailed by using natural environmental effluent treatment technologies as tertiary treatment systems after CETPs/STPs biologcal treatment stages by using phytoremdiation and soil bio technologies/algal treatment technolgies like CETP Unnao did a pilot project years back with NBRI and CETP Banthar is implementing a pilot project of soil bio-technology/phytoremediation system at its own along with recycling back to tanneries for re-usage at certain stages. Government should promote such bulk projects and for that should really have a honorable technical steering committee comprising of experts in this field working at grounds and not mere institutes and this committee should be empowered to recommend these proposals and the same be cleared from single table within 15 days without attracting formal proceedings for such noble causes.
I am sure such systems could make successful zero discharge like system without any phobia of non viable R.O. systems full of worries of evaporation of huge rejects from R.O., natural technologies certainly could reduce discharge drastically at least for the periods other than rainy and wet-colder seasons and huge non utilized and barren lands of government could developed as algal development centers full of lush green panorama for local vicinity and public recreation.
Thanking You
With best regards