Christina Aguilera Reveals Her Pregnancy In Marie Claire

christina aguilera marie claire

Christina Aguilera can be seen on the cover page of the January issue of Marie Claire Magazine. She poses with her bare and bulged belly in a revealing cover photo. Aguilera even reveals about her pregnancy in the interview. She said she didn’t have pregnancy in her mind right now, but she along with her husband Jordan Bratman had plans after their tour.

The Grammy award winner told the magazine that she had stopped taking her pills so that her body gets prepared for the pregnancy. But it just happened and she is going to be a mom soon. She had been married to Bratman two years back. During the tour she even performed physically challenging activities onstage. She hanged from a circus pinwheel and also sported mega heels. She is aware of the dangers and admits that if gone wrong it would have resulted in serious results.

After asking about the MTV Video Music Awards party in September, where Paris Hilton publicly introduced her as ‘the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world’, she said that she just didn’t want to comment on the issue at that time.

She said that she wanted to go on performing on stage and show her talent. She sometimes wants to be aggressive, sometimes empowered in her sexuality and she wants to perform from within her heart.

Via: People

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