If you use recreational cannabis, you probably have a preferred piece of glassware that is your “go-to.” Help that special piece last as long as possible by giving it a weekly deep cleaning.
The Old Fashioned
Bong water can have a nasty taste and can negatively affect the taste of the hit, so the first step is to pour out any excess water and empty any ashes. There are a number of good-quality cleaning solutions you can buy from your local head shop, but it’s easiest and cheapest to make your own. Two household ingredients are all it takes!
- There’s no magic ratio for making a cleaning solution; it all comes down to the size of your pieces. A good rule of thumb is one to two tablespoons of table salt with half a cup of rubbing alcohol.
- Rinse out all pieces and place smaller items in Ziploc baggies, larger ones in grocery bags. Pour your solution into the stems of bongs and into Ziplocs with pipes and accessories.
- Cover all holes with your bags, secure your grip and shake the salt and alcohol all over your glassware. Get into as many nooks and crannies as you can; the salt is acting as a scrubber for all the gross buildup.
- Pour out your cleaning solution and rinse all glassware very, very well. Make sure all traces of alcohol are gone.
Additional Methods
If you don’t have the two ingredients for the old-fashioned cleaning, there are other ways to get the job done. Make sure that whatever method you choose, you first empty and rinse your glassware beforehand.
- Vinegar or lemon juice mixed with baking soda is an all-natural cleaner. Again, the ratio varies from piece to piece, but a good starting ratio is one teaspoon of baking soda to half a cup of lemon juice or vinegar. Sprinkle baking soda inside first, then gently pour in your solvent and shake.
- Fill your sink with hot water and gently submerge your bong and/or pipe in it. Carefully add a kettle of boiling water and let the glassware soak for 20 to 30 minutes. Once the water is cool enough, remove all pieces and clean the hard-to-reach areas with Q-tips and rags.
- If all else fails, a small squirt of liquid dish soap and warm water will do in a pinch. It doesn’t scour well, but it removes excess grime. Just be sure to rinse everything very well to avoid a bad aftertaste.
It might only be a piece of colored blown glass, but you’ve had some good times with it. Keep those good times rolling by keeping your favorite smoking device clean and hygienic.
Article Submitted By Community Writer