Consumers bank on authenticity of organic labels, not on free and farmed ‘fishy’ debates

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The distinction between organic and inorganic ‘eat’ is easier when it comes to locally grown vegetables, beef, pork and chicken, but food from sea is reported to make distinction between organic and inorganic a bit difficult. New York Times has elaborated the confusion that has somehow zeroed down to feeding fish with 100 percent organic feed and judging the organic nature by the virtue of its marine surroundings. Facts provided by the article shows that there are strings attached to the feed of organic fish and more so to the feed of carnivorous fishes rather than the tailor-made feed for the farm fishes.

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Though consumers prefer farm fishes to wild fishes, there are claims that sea being free from chemical and antibodies gives the best organic fish. However, owing to the lack of evidence about the extent of seawater pollution, the origin of fish and the non-certification of fish-feed as ‘organic’, consumers can consider the claim as infringement of organic standards set-up by the USDA. Earlier studies clearly shows that organic feeds qualify standards only when they are not genetically modified, partially replaced by vegetables, assure ecological sustainability and have a balance between natural and organic ingredients.

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So far said and done what remains of prime importance to the consumers is whether their fishes are organic or not? Whatever the criteria might be it is all in the hands of authentic certification of a fish to be organic. However certified, there are reports that shows that many organic fishes travel from stores to consumers without any regulation and therefore organic labels on fishes like many other foodstuff has begun to be a marketing tool. It is high time that the USDA after having developed agencies and methods to evaluate organic quality for ‘organic’ farm-fish, assure consumers on its taste, texture and authenticity of ‘organic’ labels.

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