Cool Celeb of the Week: Mel Gibson

The Cool Celeb of the Week crown for this fateful week goes to Braveheart Mel Gibson. In spite of being portrayed as a demon in those audio tapes by his ex-girlfriend Oksana something, Mel has kept his cool intact. Apart from those altered tapes, we are yet to hear him utter a single racist rant or witness him burn the whole world down for not believing him. Even the professionally-photoshopped photo of Oksana (released by RadarOnline) failed to raise his blood pressure and transform him into Mad Max. He has been extremely cool and dealing with the whole scandal in a graceful and legal way, which further cements his claim that he is innocent and Oksana is the real culprit.

It’s just a matter of days before the law uncovers the real plot and puts Oksana behind the bars on charges of extortion, but we aren’t going to discuss it here at this time. At this moment, I just want to thank and congratulate Mel for being cool. Keep it up, Mel!


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