Country Meat’s Exotica: Pan-fried Wild Boar Meat

wild boarcollard greens
Obachan’s post on “Foods I Enjoyed at my Parents’ House #2”, reminds me of my childhood when I used to visit my maternal grandpa’s house in Eastern India.

Eastern India has many Ghats, which ends up in thick jungles. My grandfather used to go for hunting expeditions in Simlipal jungles and hunt for reindeers, wild boars, and partridges.

However, here I would strictly talk about the wild boar. The wild boar is available in a variety of cuts, like sausage, bacon, ribs, boneless shoulder for roast, patty, and pork loins. These wild boar cuts can be cooked like any other pork meat. The wild boar meat unlike other exotic meats has skin attached to its flesh and tastes yummy when the meat is crisp-fried. While Obachan loves it when the meat is stewed in a miso soup along with taro, daikon, and carrots, the meat can also be roasted, seared and the wild boar, leg can be roasted at a temperature of 160 – 170 degree Fahrenheit. Wild Boar has a sweet, nutty, intense flavor and it is deeper red than pork.

I am giving you another recipe of wild boar that is quite close to my heart.

Pan-Fried Wild Boar Meat


1 lb: Wild Boar meat cut into pieces.
2 teaspoons: Onion, ginger, and garlic (pasted together)
1/2 teaspoon: Turmeric powder
1 teaspoon : Tangy tomato and red chili paste
Black Pepper Powder


1.Marinade wild boar meat with onion, ginger and garlic paste, turmeric powder and tomato and red chili paste. Keep it aside for an hour.
2.In a heavy metal wok, heat oil and add the marinade meat.
3.Cover the wok with a lid and keep stirring the met until tender.
4.Season the meat with salt and pepper.
5.Fry the meat until crisp and brown
6.Garnish it with onion rings.

This delicacy is perfect with red wine and a Vegetable Creole…Obachan I thank you for making me nostalfic of my favorite childhood foods and I do not find this food as weird, and I think all my friends would find it yummy.

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