Humans can be worse than monsters if they go the wrong way. There are several people who have etched their names in history not for their good deeds but for their dangerous acts like cold blooded murders. They carry out these ruthless tasks with ease and seem have no guilt for doing the same.
Richard Kuklinski
Image Source : MurderPedia.Org
He started his ruthless killings when he was in his teens. He has believed to have killed more than 200 people. He was nicknamed as Iceman because he froze the body of his victims which made it difficult for the investigators to determine the exact timing of death. He mingled in the society as a normal businessman and even had a family.
Vlad Dracula
He is probably one of the most barbaric people to have lived on earth. He used to kill people in the most inhuman way, through slow impalement of his victims. They were usually impaled through the chest or the abdomen. This horrible man is also known to have roasted children and if that was not enough he made their parents eat the roasted meat.
Cody Wilson
The reason this man is on the list of dangerous people is because he has actually created a 3d printable gun which one can download and print their gun at the click of a button.He has also shipped a computer-operated milling machine which enables a person to form the metal body of AR-15.This can be done without any serial number and no background check is needed.
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Image Source : Ichef.Bbci.Co.Uk
The top boss of the deadly organisation Al-Qaida.US has kept a prize of 25 million USD to have him captured.He is said to be responsible for several deadly attacks across the globe. It is believed that he was the one who ordered the Paris attack last year.
Women are not far behind when it comes to being dangerous and ruthless.Marylin belonging to Columbia is believed to have been working forAutodefensasUnidas de Colombia. She worked as an assassin and it is said to have killed several people. It is said that she was finally killed by the AUC.
Dangerous people both men and women come and go but the dents that they leave on the hearts of the affected families and society are usually ones that can never be mended.