Daniel Radcliffe wonders why girls don’t chase him

daniel radcliffe

Awww! The “Harry Potter” boy is very disappointed that his wizardly fame and success has no effect on girls. With earnings even more than Prince Williams and Harry, Daniel Radcliffe is still unpopular among girls.

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Now, who would tell this boy that wealth and fame do matter but that a campy body is still enough to repel girls. Moreover, speculation that Daniel is gay and that he also loves being seen as so, are obvious to drive girls away from him.

Still, he keeps trying to prove to himself that he’s no less than Robert Pattinson or any Jonas brother. He would also keep telling himself, “I love girls, I really do. They’re just sort of heavenly creatures. They’re wonderful.”

But dear Potter, girls just can never see you that way.

Image: Enjoyfrance, Woodenspears

Via: Community. Livejournal

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