Do not replace glasses, change eyes!

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Let us get a new pair of eyes. Weird don’t you think or heavy philosophical psycho stuff, not really, a gimmick to have your attention.

I feel we are so much wedded to our fixed ideas, strong likes & dislikes that we refuse to have a fresh look at our surroundings. In the maddening rat race to stay ahead of others or to retain our place we fail to notice changes around us small but significant.

How many of us have a relaxed chat with the family or friends? Our smile are plastic our laughters hollow, even our tears are synthetic. Are we human beings or dummy, dumb dolls preprogrammed to behave in a given fashion absolutely mechanized devoid of creativity of any kind.

Our friendships center around a given agenda supported by convenience we even bargain with our soul. We are so used to acting that we fail to realize that the shooting is over & it is time to pack up & let go.

Even when we remove the make up we continue to have the same plastic expression even our prayers have become mechanical & a byproduct of multitasking.

Like the blind men of Hindustan we are blinded by our prejudice & refuse to see the sunshine. It is time we stop looking at any issue from the blinkered glasses but examine every thing afresh with the innocence & curiosity of a child.

We can not change our relationships but can always find some thing new in them. Same spouse looked at from a different angle will definitely make our marriage more spicy like having an affair with our spouse, naughty or nutty a nice way to rejuvenate & revive our relationship.

For a change let us date our spouse with the intensity of our courtship days & stop treating her like a dusted heritage trophy
when even a cactus plant has to be nurtured relationships are much more delicate & need lots of re-balancing.

We look at ourselves number of time in a day but fail to notice the subtle changes in our persona & are confronted with a rude shock one fine day. We are so anxious about death that we forget to live as the famous song says “Marne ke pahle jina seekhley”.

Let us learn to live before we die. So let us get up & give a fresh look to our life with a new pair of eyes casting aside our scratched glasses for good.

There is more to live than living.

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