Emma Roberts: Voluptuous and me, yeah right!

emma roberts skinny
I???m sure you already know about the child actress from the movie ???blow??? and ???wild child???. Emma Roberts, who is also actresses Julia Robert and Lisa Robert Gillan???s niece, can apparently never be scrumptious. This 20-year-old actress looks stunning the way she is and is said to have the hottest legs in town. But when it comes to looking her age, well, that isn???t happening, she looks 12 because she hasn???t really matured from everywhere, if you know what I mean. She has not completely bosomed.

The actress/singer states that she is perfectly happy with not being voluptuous as per her interview with ???Seventeen Magazine???. She speaks about how when she was younger, being sexy meant having ???Boobs???, and that she has never really had ???boobs??? probably won???t in the future either. At present she is fine with that fact and has accepted it with open arms.

Emma Roberts, apart from being a fabulous actress, is definitely one to speak her mind. It???s a good thought that, she is not affected by the fact that being voluptuous from everywhere matters. She has proved that being happy with yourself the way you are is good enough to make one feel beautiful about them self. Her words, when reach the public will show them that even celebs have issues, and they tackle it in a more understanding and mature way, instead of going to extremes to make yourself look good.

I personally like this statement she made and agree to the fact that there are a lot of actresses who look like they have some meat on them in the right places. But frankly, it doesn???t look all that great all the time. I sometimes feel it also looks vulgar to have boobs which don???t match your body size. As they say, beauty is in the eyes of beholder.


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