England to halt the spread of HIV within generation…?

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According to the campaign for new prevention methods of HIV, sponsored by the department of Health, it has been claimed that HIV spread in England cab be completely stopped within a single generation. According o various surveys, it has been estimated that 90,000 people living in England have HIV and among them one in every four doesn’t even know they have it. Among the infected, the bisexual men and the gay people of African communities almost make up 3quarters of the numbers. So, according to experts, proper information and focused screening for the high-risked groups will tremendously help in ending this epidemic.

Creation of the Terrence Higgins Trust, the campaign is named as ‘It starts with me’ and it focuses on spreading HIV preventive knowledge to the people who are highly prone to getting infected. It urges people to test their blood for HIV once every 12months and more frequently in the event of experiencing symptoms. The campaign also advises people to abstain from having unprotected sex and save themselves from getting infected by this deadly HIV. So, if the campaign becomes successful in generating full HIV prevention awareness among the high-risk people and if, even a small number of people starts to follow the given advises then containing HIV spread within this generation is quite possible.


Effective Treatment for HIV

Chief executive of the Terrence Higgins Trust, Sir Nick Partridge says that although a vaccine or cure for HIV is still out of reach for medical science but the latest technology in the medical field has made enough advancement to bring the virus within its grasps and to slow down its effect in the human body. So, immediate medical attention is very necessary once this virus is detected in your body and therefore, it is very important for everyone to frequently test their blood for HIV.

Sir Nick Partridge also adds that getting more and more people tested for possible HIV and along with effective treatment for the already infected people, there is a heavy chance that the rates of HIV infection will fall rapidly within the next few years. He said that, in order to make this campaign a success, people must understand that the HIV is still a relevant issue today as it was 30years ago. Every 90 minutes in the UK someone gets diagnosed with HIV and so it is their responsibility for not only to keep themselves safe but also others from getting infected by HIV.

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