Esquire tags Charlize as ‘the sexiest woman alive’

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Esquire has named Charlize Theron the ‘sexiest women alive.’ The previous winners include gorgeous beauties like Jessica Biel, Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson. The issue which will be put in November will reveal all that is how, when and why sexy about the gorgeous blonde. If you browse carefully through the pages of last six issues of the magazine, you will find that the magazine people had hinted at the winner in many styles.

The November issue will also feature a sexy photo shoot of Theron with Sheryl Nields, the cool photographer. Theron, who is now 32 still, looks gorgeous, be it in modest attire or a revealing bikini. The humble actress says that she isn’t perfect and has many career flaws. Speaking to the magazine she says,

‘Reindeer Games.’That was a bad, bad, bad movie. But even though the movie might suck, I got to work with John Frankenheimer. I wasn’t lying to myself – that’s why I did it. I mean, he directed ‘The Manchurian Candidate,’ which is like the movie of all movies. I grew up in a country that learned the lesson that you can’t impose your way of life on 26 different kinds of people just because you call yourself righteous. I think there are lessons this country still has to learn.

Way to go girlie!

Source: NYdailynews

Image credit: Worth1000

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