Every non-pregnancy needs proper diagnosis and treatment

non-pregnancy needs proper diagnosis and treatment

Accurate diagnosis is the main condition for identifying the causes of non-pregnancy and choosing the optimal treatment method.

WHO recommends couples contact reproductive centers in case they cannot conceive a baby within 12 months. The list of mandatory and additional analyzes is established by the Ministry of Health. In 25% of cases, problems with conception depend on the woman, in 25% – on the man, and in 50% we are talking about a combined factor. The necessary examinations may take up to two months.

1. Lack of male power

Lack of male poweA spermogram is the first analysis from which it is recommended to start the test, because it is likely that a more complex comprehensive examination of the female body is not required. To improve performance, doctors advise to avoid stress, eat well, take vitamin complexes, make sure there are no hidden infections, and treat inflammatory diseases. In some cases, you need the help of an endocrinologist.

Checking male fertility is carried out using a simple spermogram or spermogram with capacitation (in-depth study, in which the ejaculate is placed in special environments and incubators, then the most active fraction is isolated). This allows you to choose the optimal treatment method. If therapy is ineffective, IVF comes to the rescue. The methods at ISIDA Care allow you to conceive a child, even if there are no sperm in the ejaculate.

2. Poor Women Health

patient undergo ultrasoundIn addition to general analyzes, patients of the clinic undergo ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland, mammary gland, consult a physician, endocrinologist and geneticist.

Common methods of diagnosis

The state of the reproductive organs is assessed using the most modern techniques. If an ultrasound indicates undesirable changes, the doctor may recommend hysteroscopy, a minimally invasive method for examining and treating the uterine cavity. Fundamentally important during pregnancy planning is checking the patency of the fallopian tubes. Many hospitalsuse hysterosalpingography for this – a high-precision x-ray method. If obstruction of the tubes is not treatable, IVF is recommended for the couple.

Hormonal Screening

Hormonal screening is an equally important stage of the examination. The hormones that regulate the ability to conceive, produce the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, ovaries. Testing will allow you to find the “weak link” of this system and conduct therapy. If the egg does not mature, it is possible to prescribe a mild ovarian stimulation. If pregnancy with this method of assisting is possible, then it occurs within two to three cycles. Stabilization of the hormonal background is also a necessary condition in preparation for in virto fertilization and embryo transfer. Therefore, from the moment of contacting ISIDA Care until the IVF is included in the program, it can take from 1.5 to 2 months.

Genetic and Immunological studies

Additional genetic and immunological studies are especially recommended for women who already had problems with conception or cases of miscarriage, as well as couples older than 35 years. Tests will take into account the risks associated with age and heredity. With the likelihood of transmitting unwanted gene combinations, there is the possibility of preimplantation genetic diagnosis.

At hospitals like ISIDA, special checklists for additional examinations are individually compiled for patients who, prior to contacting the hospitals, already had ineffective attempts to become pregnant. Doctors examine the history and determine which of the necessary tests have not yet been passed.

We recommend a more thorough examination than the required minimum, and this is absolutely justified. In general, preparing patients for the IVID procedure is so effective that we can rightfully be proud of the good results in pregnancy even at the first attempt.

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