WordPress Blogging: Why is it a good idea?

Wordpress Blogging

Thinking of a new hobby for the New Year? In this article, we will give you five reasons why you should consider starting a blog using WordPress– the most popular and easiest CMS platform to use and why it is good for you.

First of all, what is blogging? It is about having your own domain or website or a page online wherein you publish content based on your chosen niche. You can write about your day to day experience to share with friends and other readers online, you can share tips in areas you think you are good at or love like travelling, music, DIY and others. You can post articles, photos or even videos – it is totally up to you as to what form of media to share.

So why blogging is a good hobby for you? Here are some advantages:

1. It is therapeutic

sharing about what you loveWorking in the office for eight or nine hours a day doing the same set of tasks every day can be exhausting. At the end of the day you feel too tired. So it is important to relax and recharge your energy. Writing or sharing about what you love most is an instant mood enhancer. You can write about your feelings and thoughts which is very therapeutic in the sense that you’re able to release those feelings that make you feel heavy and uneasy.

 2. It is a good way to connect with people

You also get to connect with your friends who may be far away and of course to new people that share the same sentiments as you. It is fun to connect with them and just to know that you are not alone – that others understand you and go through the same things as you. Reading comments will definitely make you feel happy and proud.

3. It is fun

Blogging is simply funBlogging is simply fun. It is like writing on your own diary but of course, with many people reading it. It is fun to share tips and exchange comments with your readers. It is also fun to look back and read what you wrote. It’s fun to have something online where you can see the reflection of yourself.

4. You can even earn extra income from it

Did you know that you can even earn money from blogging? Many bloggers around the world do this for a living. You can take your WordPress website traffic seriously so you get to publish some ads that will give you extra income. There may be some companies that want to sponsor a post or do ex deals.

5. It is a good stress reliever

blogging is a good stress relieverLastly, blogging will help you relieve stress from office or with your personal life. When you’re writing, you tend to forget about other things, and instead just focus on your topic which is a good way to forget your worries.

Starting a blog is easy, you should check and buy domain name, choose WordPress hosting, as it is easy and reliable, choose a theme and then start writing or posting whatever you like. But of course, you should be responsible with what you publish.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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