Everyday uses of Pomegranates in Food

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Most of us shy away from pomegranates because of its not-so-easy removal of the fleshy seeds. But, please make a little effort and enjoy this yet another marvel of nature.

When buying a pomegranate, choose a heavy one with an unblemished skin. A good way to extract the seeds with minimum fuss, and avoiding the bitter pith, is to roll the fruit around on the kitchen platform, pushing down with your hand as you do so.is dislodges the seeds from their white, pithy cushion. You will be able to feel the seeds popping out as you roll.

When you think that you have got most of the seeds out, cut open the pomegranate over a bowl and the juice and seeds should come spilling out, leaving the bitter pith behind.

Use their sweet-sour flavour to enliven meat and vegetable dishes.
Throwing some pomegranate seeds on to any dish, drink or salad transforms it into a coloured delight with an added flavour.

For couple of recipes check the source.
Via: : Timesonline (UK)

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