UglyRipe tomato wins the battle of ‘ugly shape’ with the weapon of ‘exotic flavour’

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The UglyRipe tomato, with a long history of distribution and consumption restricted to Florida, has now been reported to have got a ruling from the USDA to be sold outside Florida. Facts provided reveal that Florida Tomato Committee had rejected the UglyRipe tomato as it had not met the minimum grade requirements in terms of ‘shape’ and ‘uniformity’, required to be marketed outside Florida.

However, what matters here is not the cross-breeding misfortune of heirloom tomatoes with non-heirloom, but with unbeatable flavor, which makes the UglyRipe compete with homegrown tomatoes quite often.

Considering the culinary perspective of the UglyRipe tomato alone, it cannot be termed as inferior as the flavor of the UglyRipe tomato has what apparently made it win the battle to free marketing, exempting the shape. Moreover, the shape of tomato does not affect the appearance of a foodstuff, as tomatoes are mostly chopped, sliced or pureed in most of the recipes.

Despite of being marked at $3 for a pound, the UglyRipe tomato will predictably sell like hot cakes, as the consumer gradually discovers in the ugly looking but soft and succulent tomato an alternative to its thick-skinned and bland- tasting cousin.

Via: NY Times

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