Faking Climate Change & Global Warming – Multi Billion Dollar Business

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Why there is constant hue and cry in the media about climate change. When life and earth survived millions of years. Behind the scene, I think the present talk about global warming and climate change is some political and business interest. For this every democratic govt. and big corporation engaged in systemic campaign against global warming, climate change, green house gas emission, carbon footprint and other things which seems to be a media creation.

Let us look at the repercussion. In the name of clean technology, global warming, climate change, the third world countries compelled to stop using old technology, traditional and industrial methods, while some countries/ corporation have technological advancement. To sell their product and services, just demand cannot fulfilled. Now the govt./ corporation put an imaginary global warming and fake climate change claim by absolving themselves from their duties and responsibilities. Big industries and developed countries talk about emission. As the same they are polluting environment at others cost. How to make cover up and play the game and corner the wealth?

The developed nations and corporation plant various stories about green house gas emission, climate change, global warming etc. etc. They pressure developing countries to implement ‘Green Agenda’, that means more Licence-Permit-Inspector Raj. That means govt. and corporation started peeping private lives and imposition of fines and control over citizen in one or the other way which leads to corruption. The same money flow to tax heaven which in turn come through world bank, IMF, Venture capitalist, Corporation/ companies/ trusts etc. Again India in the debt trap. While citizen face lots of trouble and their right, access and freedom will be affected. Bigger companies sell product in the name of clean technology, green technology, developed company sell their products at imaginery prices to third world and push the developing country into debt trap.

On the other hand, it’ll be a speed breaker in the development. Our legislators make legislation for their whims and fancies to collect and grab money from its citizen. After all democracy is all about mapped, measured, tapped, metered and controlled by the authorities. The ruling elite always want to exploit the citizen by one way or the other.

If there is a flood, the media picked up talk of global warming. At the same time they forgot to cover the reason about uncleaned chawls/ gutters, encroachments by real estate and other vested interest etc. Naturally we will face the flood. Similarly, if there is a drought, then they started implementing water cut, power cut and grabbing more taxes and money from citizen. The ruling elite always know that problem is money. Create more problem, earn more money and put pressure and burden on its citizen. It will never end unless and until we are in a democratic state. Because undeserved come to power. While deserved stood outside. It is not just the problem of India, it is the general problem of everywhere. Just because we are democracy. Demon rule the citizen which is democracy.

So my appeal to all citizen of the world, don’t get into the trap of this green campaign. There is always a hidden agenda. Don’t trust the media – it is keeping corporate agenda. You and me are going to suffer. Our freedom is at stake. Let the companies and govt. start correcting their own mistake by starting a simple life style without burdening the tax payers and stake holders. Don’t trust the number and statistics game for which they don’t have any authenticity.

In a democracy anything and everything run by vested interest. The state is no more welfare state.

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