Fans Want Nicole To ‘Dump’ Her Husband

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Americans may be a tolerant lot but they are not to be found among the fans of Aussie beauty Nicole Kidman. Her American fans have urged her to dump her current husband Keith Urban.
The reason is that Urban cheated on Kidman with model Kimberly Wyatt. Urban, who is a singer, is fighting a war against alcoholism and is rumored to have slept with Kimberly while being engaged with Kidman. The charge has been vehemently denied by the fellow but Kidman’s fans are not buying any of it.
Kidman’s fans believe that the singer is not telling the truth and when an online poll was conducted, as many as 71 percent of those voted said that the actress should ‘dump’ the singer.
I guess, it is better if we left it for Kidman to decide if she wants to believe Urban or not. The fans should respect the privacy of the actress. Just because she is a celebrity, her fans cannot take upon themselves to decide what she eats for lunch through a poll. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

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