Federal Land Bank wins Tri-County Wild Game Cook-Off

game meat
Alabama Wildlife Federation’s Tri-County Wild Game Cook-Off was held on Thursday at Robert Trent Jones Golf Course, Alabama. The cook-off was won by the Federal Land Bank team, which included first time participants Chad Bennett and Robert Ingram, who for the first time had cooked a deer chili dish – for that matter any other cook might have attempted it in a contest. As per Bennett: It’s all about confidence and cooking your chili in a turkey fryer. We had a great time, and we’re looking forward to the state finals. The Federal Land Bank team won the first prize in the game category. The first, second and third prizes in the fish, fowl and the game category will be contesting in the finals on August 5th, at the AWF headquarters at the Lanark estate in Millbrook.

A total of 43 teams had participated in the event with a total of 900 guests to witness the show. This is a very unique Cook-off featuring the non-vegetarian categories with the cooks hunting and cooking the best of the wildlife.

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