First American company to win World Cheese Awards

bries1A recent report declares that Jim Boyce, owner of Marin French Cheese Co. in Petaluma, became the first American company to win the World Cheese Awards at London for its Boyce’s Rouge et Noir Triple Creme Brie. This did raise a couple of eyebrows along with the winner as he said:

It didn’t hit me right away. I had to have someone else kind of take a garbage can cover, hit me on the head and say, did you realize what just happened? It was the first time an American company had won that category.

The winner received a loaded trophy at display in the Marin French and all that is attached to winning the contest along with being responsible for the history attached to the product. As said by Boyce:

It’s a terrific honor to be associated with this business. It makes all of us feel a sense of history as we work with this living product.

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