First Blue Tea Line competes with green tea beverages

blue teaIf you thought that green tea alone gives the antioxidant punch then you might not have looked into other colors of the beverage. New Leaf, producer of natural foods, is going to rollout Oolong tea’s Spring Blue variety, in gourmet, health and upscale retail stores from the month of July. Research provides that Oolong tea is rich with antioxidants and hence has anti-aging and heart-health benefits.

The Company claims that it is the first beverage manufacturer to bring the ancient Chinese beverage to the market in exciting flavors of lemon and raspberry, sweetened with evaporated cane sugar to give you only 70 calories.

However, the launch of a Blue tea line would mean a tough competition with the wide range of green tea beverages. Therefore, the Company has to lift itself from packaging to functional content to appeal tea lovers and consumers. Concisely the Company has to calculate the benefits of blue tea over and above green tea and process it to cater to recent consumer demands.

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