First Lemon-flavored beer in the world

tuborg tExperimenting with new flavors has not only become the recent focus of the food industry, but it also seems to be breaking the cliche flavors in the beverage industry. As per reports, Tuborg T, a beer developed by the Israeli breweries in collaboration with Tuborg Denmark bears the stamp of the new innovation, as it is reported to be tagged after the ‘incorporated flavor’ as ‘the lemon-favored beer’. It takes all the freedom to be a news-maker, as it becomes the first lemon-flavored beer ever launched in the beverage industry.

Why lemon flavor? Well, the answer is, Tuborg wanted to cater to Israeli taste buds and very soon the whole world is going to get the taste of Israel. As per Oren Turgeman, Tuborg’s brand manager:

Israeli consumer is looking for a sensory solution especially for the hot summer months, and wants to vary the beer flavors he is used to with new and refreshing products. Tuborg T brings the new message with a unique, delicious, thirst-quenching and refreshing beer for the Israeli summer days.

This beer with an alcohol content of 3.8 percent and the rest being citrus flavor is scheduled to arrive this summer and as per reports the sales will be limited to the summer season, being a part of the Tuborg’s scheme to offer seasonal beers. Even if the production is limited to Israel, it ceases to make any difference, once the drink made for the Israelites is well-accepted by other nations or for that matter by the consumers in Denmark.

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