First line of organic iced teas

iced tea 1Npicenter reports about the first organic iced teas with the launch of the all-new The Delicious Taste of Nature, by Pacific Natural Foods. Facts point out that these iced teas are the first batch of teas to have got a USDA and Fair Trade Organic certification, for the very reason that it is proven to provide the customers with fresh, wholesome, all natural ingredients with premium quality and health. Kevin Tisdale, director of marketing at Pacific Natural Foods:

Additionally, brewing these iced teas with Fair Trade Certified tea helps our consumers make product choices that are consistent with their values.

The iced tea is not only a good source of antioxidants but the organic certification also makes it a reliable product for customers to trust. Moreover, this new line of organic iced tea comes in exciting and fruity flavors like Peach, Lemon, Raspberry, Sweetened Black Tea and Unsweetened Green Tea known to give a boost of antioxidant and Vitamin C, along with being new flavor addition to the flavor portfolio of iced teas. With flavor and health, this new beverage is going to rock the tea sector.

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