Food police condemns culinary innovation, decodes ‘fusion foods’ as ‘hybrid-horribles’

spaghetti with meatballs 7

American diners have reportedly given into what nutritionists name as ‘hybrid horribles‘, recently rolled out by American restaurants in a combo platter of traditional food with the ‘junk’. Facts provide that the combo platter in the restaurants usually include lasagne with meatballs, bacon cheeseburger pizzas, buffalo-chicken stuffed quesadillas; combo of pizza, mashed potatoes, bacon, cheddar cheese and sour cream, bacon-filled tortillas, so on and so forth.

The accusation here is that these combo platters pack in a lot of calories, apart from the Trans fats, which are not indicated in nutritional labels or in the menu cards.

Doubtless that these so-called ‘hybrid-horribles’ pack in a lot of calories, but it is high time nutritionists stop-blaming the restaurants for everything. Restaurant industry is always subjected to food innovations, which has a room for culinary art.

Restaurants through the introduction of fusion foods are at least making the Americans eat traditional food, which was relegated into the crease of junk menu. Considering the fact that American cuisine itself is a jambalaya of so many cuisines, even the food connoisseurs have nothing to blame the restaurants.

Diners have an idea of what they are consuming and considering the gigantic platter it would take only a Kobayashi to indulge in such meals everyday and not fall sick.

One attempt that can be taken to balance food innovation with nutrition is that restaurants can fuse in traditional foods into a combo platter sans Trans fats and excessive salts, including healthy sauces, condiments and tricks from the health-food manufacturers.

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