Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson retiring in five years


The smoking hot model turned actress Pamela Anderson is still living it up. The former Baywatch star says that it would take her another five years to retire from the show business unless something unfortunate happens. The Playboy model still gets plenty of offers to keep her going for another five years at least.

Pamela’s latest role has been a Dutch magician Hans Klok’s assistant. The ‘full size’ Pamela Anderson stunned all the people at the show. The best part about Pamela appearing in the show was her tiny outfit which exposed her busts as well as her gorgeous legs to the public.

The show was hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada. Another interesting rather shocking moment was when Pamela was elevated about 20 feet off the stage. That brought the show to an end. The actress chilled with the reporters later in the backstage talking about her personal life and her plans.

Anderson is originally a Canadian who got married several years back and now is a resident of Los Angeles, California. She is married to Rick Salomon, who is involved in the Paris Hilton sex tape. Pamela and Rick enjoys playing the cards in the Sin city and hanging with their kids. At 40, Pamela is still going strong. She juggles between her work, family and her time off. Her ultimate plan is to retire in five more years and fly back to Canada. Wow! I am sure folks in the media world will miss her once she retires.

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