Fried Okra in whipped Yogurt

oiyIf you think that the usage of yogurt is restricted to desserts, salads and marinades, then you are wrong. Yogurt can be used in a variety of vegetables and I simply love when it is added to Okra. It is a very simple recipe and very flavorful.


Okra cut into one inch pieces
Mustard Seeds
Diluted yogurt
Curry Leaves
Turmeric Powder
Chili Powder
Whole red chilies
Roasted whole cumin powder


1. Smear Okra with turmeric and chili powder and fry it until tender and light brown.
2. In a wok add spoonful of oil and add whole mustard seeds, red chilies and curry leaves.
3. Take yogurt in a dish and whip it with a fork, to this transfer fried Okra and sprinkle it with the mixture of seeds, chilies and curry leaves.
4. Garnish it with Roasted whole cumin powder.

This can be served as an accompaniment to meats or fried rice.

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