Fusion foods: Moving towards a ‘world of food’

In a global world, where cultures converge, the future world of food will offer much more too! Demanding customers will be more aware and conscious of the choices they make. From quality to decor, presentation will take all the points.

It will try to give supermarkets authenticity by maintaining a link between the between producer and retailer. Local producers will get more advantage as careful consumers give more emphasis to the quality of food that they buy.

fitch farmers mkt 45 Farmers markets within supermarkets could appease the demand for authentic fresh local produce.

‘human quality’ will work to impress consumers. The onus of social responsibility will fall on supermarkets and they will have to take on programs such as going carbon neutral. Sense of community will become essential. Branding and ranging will revolve around creating ‘my kind of brand’.

fitch3 45Choose a recipe, buy the ingredients, then cook up your meals in the supermarket’s kitchen at the center of the store.

Most might want to use the internet to order! To counter this move supermarkets will have to come up with innovative ideas and services that save time. They could become a place to recharge cars as well as to cooktheir meals for a week!

fitch2 45Recycle, recharge, and place your grocery order.

What would the future food trends be? lets check out Tim Greenhalghh view on that:

1. Brining food alive with entertainment.
2. Good fast food.
3. Slow food to linger and relish.
4. More of classy gourmet dining.
5. Retailers will definitely try to recognize more individualistic tastes while interior designing.

Now that you have an idea of future trends, you’ll know to single out the places that lack them!

Source: Food week online

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