Good Taliban, Bad Taliban

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Aren’t we living in a world of fools, or more precisely, we are living in the world manoeuvred by few notable pranksters? The rulers of Pakistan viz. its PM Geelani, President Zardari and Army Chief, General Kiyani have very diligently been able to convince the US President Barack Obama that they have discovered some Talibans who are good enough to make business with. President Obama who was looking for a plan to escape from the current dismal situation of Pakistan, didn’t waste time, and announced the presence of good Taliban and bad Taliban. But we are yet to listen from the President, the demarcation line of these Talibans.

Though not delivered any definition, the Washington may have firm conviction that those who have taken up weapons and look forward to the war against the US are the real threat to the human kind, and are categorically called the bad Taliban. However, those who fall short of this activity are moderate, and are good Taliban. Now the Obama rank and file are occupied with a deal with these good Taliban, through Islamabad.

Let’s focus our discussion on who these good talibans are. Good talibans believe in the ideology of a chauvinistic theocracy who are disparate in molding the modern Muslim world into a regressive region. In doing so, they would attack the society from within. They do not involve in restoring any sympathy from anyone. The believers discourage the modern education system, the women’s liberation and they discard the modern judiciary ruefully.

It’s the women who are the worst sufferers wherever Taliban seize the area under their control. In order to pacify the talibans, the Karzai government has newly introduced the family law bill, with the consent of its US masters. Amongst many, the law states that the husband of the family will be the complete master, the women need to take permission from their husband wherever they move, women would have no right to the custody of their children.

These good talibans are now the blue eyed boys of the US administration. President Obama desires to work with these good Samaritans. However, all the eyes of the world cried out watching a video clip from Swat, a Pakistani region. Two good talibans have subjugated a 17 year old Chand Bibi to the floor and another good Taliban was engaged in lashing her with a whip for around 40 times. Bibi was accused of being seen with a man who was not her father or brother. Bibi was crying, knowing fully well that her tears would not soak those who are at the helm of affairs, though it has saturated the souls of all the human beings living in this world.

Now who would decide whether the talibans are good or bad? Will President Zardari or PM Geelani or President Obama has any right to declare that? Have they ever met the eyes of their own daughters, after watching the video clipping? Or we may leave the decision to Chand Bibi who would be the perfect person to decide whether there can be any good Taliban. Until we receive the unbiased comment from either Chand Bibi or the brute whip, we may rest the decision with the souls who have witnessed the ghastly act shown on the video clipping.

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