Goodness Guava!

guava 557The king of Vitamins (well almost) is Vitamin C. And, the good old Guava has a whole lot of it.

One large guava (820g) contains 1,221mg of vitamin C, whereas the recommended daily adequate intake levels of vitamin C is around 100mg. Therefore, all one needs to eat is a 100g slice of guava and be rest assured that your body has met with its vitamin C needs for the day.

The vitamin C is found in the whole fruit, not just in the skin. But, its Vitamin C content declines if the fruit is overripe.

Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant in the body which is critical for good immune functions and maintaining good health.

Quercetin is another highly sought after nutrient in guava. Many medicinal plants owe much of their activities to their high quercetin content.

Guava’s dietary fibre does more than prevent constipation. It lowers cholesterol levels and binds toxic residues and cancer-causing chemicals in the colon. In this way, guava may help us to maintain a healthy colon.

A drink of cool guava juice combats sore throat, while chewing the crunchy fruit is good exercise for the jaws and believed to be beneficial to brain functions. Also, the various components of its acids clean the teeth and gums, thus freshening the mouth and healing mouth ulcers.

That is guava at its greatest. So next time you pass a fruit shop, don’t forget to pick up the delicious Vitamin Cs.

Via: WN Network

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