Green peas fresh when frozen

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Farm fresh and organic does not stand true with green peas as they perish early and therefore frozen peas have reportedly taken up American diet with longer shelf life, flavor and nutrition. Facts provided reveal that the fresh peas seemingly become dull, the sugar turns into starch once the fresh peas becomes old, which consequently turns the fresh peas to a disaster for the consumers in terms of storing and cooking.

Doubtless the flavor of green peas right off the pod is irreplaceable, but considering the dining convenience of American diners the shelf life of green peas replaces the flavor of fresh with the frozen. Though there are questions on the quality of blanching to which green peas are subjected, yet steam blanching restores sugar, color and vitamins in the green peas.

With the onset of spring the intrusion of peas in meats, pasta, rice and vegetables is inevitable and therefore chefs can be at ease with the flavor of frozen peas than the fresh ones for a variety of hors d’oeuvres, melange, stir-fries and salads.

Moreover with the claims in food technology in packing the nutrients, texture and flavor of fresh peas into the frozen ones there is no harm in going for a vegetable that is good when frozen.

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