Restaurant procures most expensive golden cash tiger fish at $75,000

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Expensive burgers and cakes are a passe, what is making news is the $75,000 golden-colored tiger fish purchased by a Chinese restaurant. Facts provided claim that the fish symbolizing wealth and good luck, weighs 105 lb with a length of 1.75 meters and was caught along the cost of Zhanjiang. Originally priced at 800, 000 Yuan, it was bargained down to 580, 000 Yuan or $75,050 and will be apparently sold to diners at 2000 Yuan per kg.

With a loss of 10,000 Yuan per kg, one can keep guessing about the wealth and fortune this tiger fish would bring to the Chinese restaurant. However, there are no reports as to how the restaurant plans to cook the fish and put up an entree for entree at $15,000. Whatever, it may be the only thing that can be attached to this fish, is a variety in the most expensive seafood category, apart from caviar.

Via: Reuters

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