Home Management Tips for Working Couple.

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Like other organizations in society, home management also requires planning and system.In today’s time, where most of the educated couple are working, managing the home becomes little difficult. A capable couple prefers a professional life so that they can feel financially secured and maintain good standard of living. You can’t deny that a nice profession demands long hours of your day. The time you would have spent at home, you spend at your workplace. Neglect will not be an apt term for this but no doubt you give less time to your much loved home. Your home needs special attention when both of you spend your day outside.

The patriarchal society we live in, expects the female of the home to take complete care of home. Though in a working couple both the partners contribute financially in a home,why a wife’s shoulder is burdened with responsibilities of home? You would have seen examples where a working couple returns together from their work, but what happens when when they enter the threshold??????
yes, like in most cases….wife goes to the kitchen and prepares tea for the husband who takes rest. It’s common, but doesn’t it sound unfair!! Working couple should realize that home is a common responsibility between the two. Hence,without any discrimination, wife and husband, both should help each other in household matters.

Kids become another sufferer in a home where parents are working.It should not be forgotten that your kids are your future. If you provide them good education and morale, they will definitely turn out to be your strength at your old age.It is quite baseless to think that only mothers are made to show love and affection towards their children. A working couple should do away with the misconception that all they need to do to their child is with finances. This thought and its implications may spoil your child and make him too materialistic and selfish at an unripe age.
Remember! doesn’t matter how busy and professional you are. If you fail as a parent, one day all your other achievements will seem futile.

Unlike a single working spouse, a working couple has to perform dual responsibility. This includes professional as well as home front. A little understanding and selfless attitude will help a couple maintain fine balance between home and workplace. The best thing of help is to think with “WE” perspective, not with “I”. Try this and surely will you find return to home is the best feeling in the world.

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